What do we love most about winter? The end! Jokes aside, it’s great to see the snow melt and the first flowers appear. Nature seems to be reborn after its well-deserved rest. If you want to see tulips, crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils blooming as soon as the weather is nice, you should think about planting spring bulbs in the fall.
Spring bulbs are perennials and must spend the winter in the ground to bloom. Therefore, it is best to plant them from mid-October until about two weeks before frost to give them time to develop their root system before the cold weather. Did you go straight through? No problem, as long as the ground is not frozen deep, you can plant your bulbs.
Choosing your bulbs
There are several varieties of spring-flowering bulbs sold in garden centres that bloom successively in spring, from April to the end of May. Choose your favorites carefully to have a flowering period that lasts as long as possible. Plant spring bulbs where other flowers are slow to grow, such as around trees or in your annual flower bed. Once they have finished blooming, they will be replaced by other flowers for a beautiful garden all season long. For a more interesting effect, plant the bulbs in groups rather than isolated from each other.
Take time to observe the bulbs before planting them. You want them to be firm and not show any signs of mold or heavy scarring. You should know that the larger the bulb, the more productive it will be.
How to plant?
- Choose an ideal sunny spot with well-drained soil to plant your bulbs.
- Dig a hole two to three times deeper than the height of the bulb.
- Place your bulbs pointing upwards in the hole and cover with soil mixed with compost.
- Let the magic happen!
Do I have to plant every year?
Spring bulbs are perennial, but in order for them to bloom year after year, you must cut off the spent flowers and let the foliage yellow and dry out completely before cutting it back. Only in this way can the bulb store enough energy to bloom again next spring. Add compost to the planting site to feed your soil and provide the nutrients the plant needs to be healthy. This will keep your bulbs blooming for many years. However, there is nothing to stop you from adding new bulbs for even more flowers in the spring!
Have fun with spring-flowering bulbs and be amazed at what your yard will look like after winter. Happy fall gardening!