You have 2 passions in life: plants and pets. Is it possible to combine both without endangering your friends? Of course! Many varieties of house plants are non-toxic to cats, dogs and rodents… even for the more adventurous, that might try to chew them! If you wish to have more greenery in your decor without fearing for your pet’s health, here are a few sure-fire values.
Spider plants
Cacti and succulents
How to keep your pets away from your plants?
Some animals are fans of plants and will develop a passion for the green. Here are a few tips to keep your plants safe :
- Place plants high up, where they are difficult to reach.
- Use hanging baskets.
- Spray pots with citrus or mint essential oils, pets do not like the smell. Avoid the leaves.
- Add grounded coffee to your soil, it will keep the pets away.
- Use a water spray bottle to repel your animal as soon as it gets close to your plants.
- Buy a pot of catnip : naturally, your cat will go to it and will leave your other plants alone.
If you wish to add a new plant to your collection, but you share your life with animals, get your informations from one of our advisors in our garden centers to make the best choice. Most of the plants that are toxic for cats and dogs are not lethal, but they can cause important problems that are best to avoid.