Pet-friendly plants

You have 2 passions in life: plants and pets. Is it possible to combine both without endangering your friends? Of course! Many varieties of house plants are non-toxic to cats, dogs and rodents… even for the more adventurous, that might try to chew them! If you wish to have more greenery in your decor without fearing for your pet’s health, here are a few sure-fire values.


We love ferns for their dense, drooping foliage that brings colour and texture to any corner of a home. As well as being extremely decorative, ferns are also excellent air purifiers. Ferns are fervent lovers of humidity and appreciate a stable temperature, they hate draughts, hot or cold. Maintain the soil humid, spray its foliage a few times a week and give it a good shower monthly : your fern will give you the best it has to offer!


If you love beautiful, airy orchid flowers of orchids, do not let your pets spoil your fun. The butterfly or phalaenopsis orchids are no threat to your pets. The opposite is less true, as the orchid is fairly delicate and may suffer from a pawing or nibbling session. Place it accordingly. The orchid must maintain in susbtrat, not potting soil. Basin the plant when the substrate is dry, its weight will be a great indicator.

Spider plants

Spider plants are probably amongst the easiest plants to grow and keep for a long time. One of their undeniable advantage is that they can tolerate low light and a few forgotten waterings. Spider plants produce babies, called stolons, at the tip of their long, drooping stems. You can then easily multiply them by rooting these new shoots. Cats really love their beautiful dropping flowers, so place your plant high, which will prevent it from being eaten while also displaying its beauty.


If you love beautiful, colourful foliages, you’ll love Marantas. There are different shades of green, pink, silver and yellow depending on the cultivar. We call it the praying plant because its leaves turn up at the end of the day, as if praying to heaven. Marantas like humidity and can sometimes find our winters quite rough because of our heating drying up the air. Grow it on a bed of clay balls or gravel to create the humid atmosphere it craves.

Cacti and succulents

In general, cactus and succulents are not toxic for dogs and cats. Of course, be wary of the sometimes prickly thorns that may harm your pet. There’s much to bet that that your pets will only venture once. Cacti are low-maintenance plants. Find the right dosage between too much and not enough water and respect it. Your cacti will live a long and healthy life.

How to keep your pets away from your plants?

Some animals are fans of plants and will develop a passion for the green. Here are a few tips to keep your plants safe :

  • Place plants high up, where they are difficult to reach.
  • Use hanging baskets.
  • Spray pots with citrus or mint essential oils, pets do not like the smell. Avoid the leaves.
  • Add grounded coffee to your soil, it will keep the pets away.
  • Use a water spray bottle to repel your animal as soon as it gets close to your plants.
  • Buy a pot of catnip : naturally, your cat will go to it and will leave your other plants alone.

If you wish to add a new plant to your collection, but you share your life with animals, get your informations from one of our advisors in our garden centers to make the best choice. Most of the plants that are toxic for cats and dogs are not lethal, but they can cause important problems that are best to avoid.

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