Fascinating Insectivorous Plants!

When bringing in the harvest from the garden at the end of summer and into fall, it’s not uncommon to find your kitchen invaded by tiny flies. While this can be unpleasant, you don’t need to resort to various tricks to get rid of them; a few well-placed plants in front of your kitchen window will solve the problem.

Insectivorous plants are a type of carnivorous plant. They are called so because they feed on insects and other small organisms. This helps them compensate for nutrient deficiencies in the poor soils where they often grow. Insectivorous plants use various methods to capture their prey, such as jaw traps, sticky traps, or pitcher traps. Indoors, these fascinating plants can help control pests like flies or mosquitoes.

What is a Pitcher Trap?

A pitcher trap is a mechanism used by certain carnivorous plants to capture their prey. The traps are formed by tube – or urn-shaped structures that act as natural containers to attract and trap insects. These traps are usually colorful and produce a sweet nectar that lures insects in.

The nectar is typically secreted around the opening of the trap, enticing prey to come closer. Once attracted to the nectar, the insect ventures inside the trap. The inner walls of the pitcher are often slippery or covered in downward-facing hairs, preventing the insects from escaping. They then slide to the bottom of the pitcher.

The digestive liquid produced by the plant comes into play. This liquid contains enzymes that break down the captured insects, releasing the nutrients needed by the plant to supplement its diet.

5 Ideal Insectivorous Plants for Indoors

Some insectivorous plants are particularly well-suited for indoor environments due to their size, light requirements, and ability to acclimate to domestic settings. They are both decorative and practical, adding an intriguing touch to any interior space.

The Venus Flytrap

The Venus flytrap is arguably the most famous carnivorous plant. Its leaves form jaw-like traps that snap shut when an insect touches them. It requires bright light and a humid environment.


Also known as sundews, they have leaves covered in tiny sticky droplets that trap insects. These plants are relatively easy to grow indoors in bright spots with consistent humidity. Cultivate them on a gravel bed or use a humidifier.

Pitcher plant

This plant uses tube-shaped traps to attract and capture insects. It prefers bright light, making a sunny window ideal for it.


Nepenthes produce long urns filled with liquid to trap insects. These climbing plants are perfect for hanging cultivation, making them great for adding a decorative touch to your home while capturing insects. They require indirect light and high humidity.

Les pinguiculas

Also known as butterworts, these plants have sticky leaves that catch small insects. They are more compact than other carnivorous plants and easy to care for. They thrive in bright to moderate light, making them ideal for the home.

Less common plants

A small plant native to Australia, cephalotus follicularis produces miniature urns similar to Nepenthes. This compact plant is perfect for smaller spaces. It likes bright but indirect light and requires moderate watering with distilled water.

Utricularia can be aquatic or terrestrial and have microscopic traps in the form of small suction pockets. They capture tiny aquatic insects or protozoa in water. They can be grown in a humid environment or in a terrarium.

Native to the mountains of Venezuela, heliamphora has urns that are more vertical and slender in appearance. It requires high humidity and good light, making it suitable for terrariums.

Though byblis is less demanding in humidity than sundews, it still needs bright light to thrive.

Less known, genlisea also grows in humid environments and features underground traps shaped like corkscrews that capture tiny organisms in the soil.

Cultivating these species at home allows you to explore unique varieties while adding a touch of exotic nature to your decor. 

We have a wide selection of insectivorous plants in-store. Come visit us!

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