Each type of plant has its own use and characteristics. We love shrubs for the structure they give to our landscapes, we choose conifers for year-round greenery, grasses to watch them move with the wind, and we gladly give the spotlight to perennials because they’re the queens of our gardens and flower beds. We love them all! However, to give an instant colourful kick to your landscape, there’s nothing quite like annual flowers. Of course, they require a bit more maintenance and need to be spruced up every year, but that’s nothing when compared to the happiness they bring. Here are 5 reasons you should include annuals to your exterior decor.
1. Continuous bloom all season long
If you choose your annual flowers well, that you respect their needs in terms of sun, water and fertilizer, they can bloom over a very long period of time. Some of them will even survive the first frost. So, thanks to annual flowers, you can have beautiful flowers from spring to fall. In pots or in the ground, these annuals will fill any open space in your garden.
2. A new decor each year
This year, you’ve chosen a monochromatic garden and all of your flowers are a crisp white. It’s wonderful and calm… but you feel like there’s something missing! You can decide to go to your garden center to choose new flowers that will add a splash of colour to your landscape! You can also choose to keep your garden as is this summer, and replace it all next spring with one or more accent colours. Each season, you can create the perfect garden according to what you want this season, and by choosing the flowers that will bring you the most inspiration.
3. Highlighting other plants
At the foot of your trees and shrubs, close to your perennials that take more time to bloom or take shape, as a colourful complement to your foliage, you can plant annuals to highlight your other plants. Ask our knowledgeable garden center advisors to show you beautiful plant combinations that will make all of your landscape extraordinary!
4. An instant decor
You need to wait a few weeks before the trees and shrubs cover themselves in leaves, and for perennials to grow to their full potential. By planting annual flowers, you’re immediately adding life to your home. Of course, annuals will also grow and flourish with the time, warmth and good care you’re giving them, but as soon as they’re on your patio, along your driveway and even your flowerbeds, the effect is instant!
5. More plants… always more plants
The available space for gardening isn’t unlimited. While a certain area is dedicated to landscaping, space becomes scarce fast. Thanks to annuals, you can add plants in great quantities to fulfill all of your desires. Potted plants, planters and window boxes placed on the ground, on furniture, hanging from the veranda, your windows.. they will always amaze and create the effect that you’re looking for!
Don’t wait any longer and come stock up on colourful annuals to create the landscape of your dreams! Pssst… if you don’t have the time or inclination to create your own flower pots, we have the largest selection of annual planters on the south shore of Montreal!